Just Now: Los Angeles Rams Head Coach Has Bee Issue Sean McVay….

Just Now: Los Angeles Rams Head Coach Has Bee Issue Sean McVay….

Sean McVay, il coach dei Los Angeles Rams, è solito trovare giovani assistenti per il suo team.

McVay è costretto a sostituire alcuni membri del suo coaching staff ogni stagione estiva, anche se Aubrey Pleasant, un importante membro del team, è tornata quest’anno. Dopo aver giocato con i Detroit Lions e i Green Bay Packers in passato, Pleasant è tornato a guidare i defensive backs dei Los Angeles Rams. Dopo che Raheem Morris ha lasciato il ruolo di head coach degli Atlanta Falcons, Pleasant era in corsa per il ruolo di defensive coordinator, ma Chris Shula ha assunto il ruolo. Nonostante ciò, McVay, che è stato promosso recentemente ad assistant head coach, ha dimostrato l’importanza di Pleasant per il personale.

Following the official announcement of the promotion, McVay gave the following explanation for his decision to go with Pleasant:

It’s really earned, McVay declared. You are all aware of my admiration for Aubrey. Of the eight years, he has spent six of them here. There was no denying his presence when he returned.

However, when I consider what that assistant head coach stands for, I see a leader, a mentor, a teacher, a connector, and a man who, as I just indicated to you guys, has worked with rookies to teach them about the culture. You guys have heard me say this before: “Great leaders influence and effect positive change with people they’re around, situations they’re a part of.” He is undoubtedly a very close friend, but he has earned that role based on his effect and influence.

McVay declared, “It’s truly earned.” You guys are aware of my admiration for Aubrey, of course. Six of the eight years have he been here. His presence was felt the moment he returned.

“However, after giving it some thought, I see that assistant head coach as a leader, mentor, teacher, and connector. As I explained to you guys a few minutes ago, he has worked with rookies, imparting cultural knowledge. It’s clear that he is a very close friend, but he has earned that position by his impact and influence in the areas where—as you have all heard me say before—”Great leaders influence and effect positive change with people they’re around, situations they’re in.”

The players and coaching staff applauded the decision and expressed excitement for Pleasant, according to McVay:


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