Rest In Peace: Forever In Our Hearts” Guardians Top Geatest Pitcher Has Just Pass Away In Plane Crash…..

Rest In Peace: Forever In Our Hearts” Guardians Top Geatest Pitcher Has Just Pass Away In Plane Crash…..

According to an Associated Press story, Jim Poole, an 11-year MLB veteran and former bullpen pitcher for the Cleveland Indians, fought ALS until passing away on Friday at the age of 57.

According to a statement from his alma university, Georgia Tech, Poole passed away in Atlanta surrounded by his family and loved ones. Just two years ago in 2021, ALS, popularly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, was identified as his illness. “Learning of Jim Poole’s passing this morning broke my heart,” Georgia Tech baseball coach Danny Hall stated in a statement. “As a spouse, parent, and teammate, he was exceptional. He was committed to helping our coaches and players for many years, and he had a deep love for Georgia Tech. He personified what it meant to be a Tech man.


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